Simplified WordPress Custom Post Type Generator

Posted By: Proper Noun Staff Posted On: September 21, 2021 Share:

One of the functionalities that makes Wordpress a great CMS for website development is the ability to create custom post types. A custom post type allows you to create a customized version of the "post" so that you can group any sort of content you'd like at the "post" level.

For example, let's say you wanted to group together items like FAQs, portfolio items, or videos. The best way to do this would be to create a custom post type for any one of these groups and then to store each individual item as a post. So a custom post type for FAQ's would allow you to store as many individual FAQ's as individual posts underneath it. Then, any time you need to access all of your FAQ's in a loop, it's easy to do so.

To simplify the process of creating a new custom post type for a Wordpress website, we've created an easy to use tool built in simple jQuery. The tool will ask for as little information as possible from you to create the most comprehensive custom post type possible, which you can then edit manually if any further changes are needed.

Once you've created your code snippet, simply copy it and paste it in to your functions.php file along with your other custom post types. To be safe, it's always best to back up your functions.php file before making any changes. Once you've modified your functions.php file, you should now be able to see your custom post type within your Wordpress CMS dashboard. You can now create a custom template for your new post type post's by creating a new file, single-POSTTYPE.php. Using our FAQ post type as an example, it would be singe-faq.php.

Take a look at our Wordpress custom post type generator and let us know if you have any questions or concerns on how to use it.

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